The Kessler Family History
It was 1940 when it all began
With one lovely woman and one handsome man.
Head over heels in love they went falling
And soon they heard nothing but wedding bells calling.
1942 brought a bundle of joy.
Would it be a girl – perhaps a boy?
As soon as they knew they got on the phone
To announce the arrival of sweet baby Joan
1946 and to their surprise
Another baby girl with big green eyes.
Dressed all in pink from her hat to her booties,
There was no doubt about it, they named this one Judy.
Seven years went by but in 1953
Two girls weren’t enough, they had to have three.
Mr. stork once again, with a load in his bill
Delivered the third who we all know was Jill.
In 1956 on a hot rainy morning
They both realized that a pattern was forming.
‘Bout every 4 to 7 years was something they just couldn’t dodge
Bat at least they switched genders and came up with Rodge.
So in 1963, if our math serves us well,
Yep, close to seven years later you could hear the stork yell,
“Not again, I’m so tired with this out-of-shape body,
But I’ll make one last trip, at your door, I’ll place Rodney.”
They gathered their strength, taking all they could take,
Often praying to God, “Please give us a break”.
They stopped after five, which was such a great plan,
For that one lovely woman and one handsome man.
50 years raising kids, never once did they flinch
‘cause with us being angels it was really a cinch.
Occasionally though we got the bock of the hand
From that one lovely woman and one handsome man.
I’m not saying we sere bad, but they knew we’d soon learn
That we’d all get married, then it’d be our turn
To raise kids of out own with their helping hand,
That one lovely woman and one handsome man.
They loved every grand kid, each one was a dandy.
From Cheryl, Mark, Tim, Joel, Debbie, Chris, Steve & Angie
To Lisa, Sarah, Aaron, Ianthe, Wendy, Luke & Daniel
Right down to little Tayoo, whose sort of a spaniel.
Through it all they are still in love today
And I’m Sure if asked, they’d have it no other way.
It’s now 1990 and they walk hand in hand
That one lovely woman and one handsome man.
And we as their children I know all agree
Are so happy to be part of this family tree.
We wish them both well and love them all that we can.
That one lovely woman and one handsome man.
Written by Judy Sheffer 1990
Eugene & Lucille Oct 5, 1940